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Team Coding Blocks has always believed in the philosophy of changing with the evolving times, and we continue to do so. In almost four years, we have taught multiple batches of classroom courses and seen students go on to attain great heights in their professional lives. We thank all our students for their unwavering support and constant motivation.
With the new year, we hope to serve you with a new energy and a new enthusiasm. We aim to bring newer courses on the latest technologies, and newer ways to learn. As always, the developments will be gradual, but certainly positive. They will be based on our research, and more importantly, YOUR feedback. Cheers!
With the online course on C++ Data Structures and ALgorithms already underway with rave reviews, Coding Blocks presents to you the Advanced version of the course. This course is for those students who are already well versed with C++ basics, so they can empower themselves with knowledge of advanced DS-Algorithm concepts.
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At the back of some really rave reviews on our online courses, Coding Blocks introduces a brand-new course - Java DS-Algo Online. Join our best Java experts Garima and Rishabh, as they take you from being someone with no to little programming skills, and turn you into an expert in Java data structures and algorithms.
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Embark upon your journey into the world of Data Structures and Algorithms with Algo++, one of Coding Blocks' most sought after course. The course will help students appearing for their campus placements by covering the advanced topics. It will also help those students immensely, who are entering the world of competitive programming. Batches starting March 11
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Just like the Algo++ course, the Algo.Java course too is one of Coding Blocks' most famous courses. It is meant for programmers willing to secure a future in the world of web or app development as it strengthens your DS-Algo concepts. It will help develop core concepts and equip you to code solutions for complex problems using Java. Batches starting March 11.
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Begin your career in computer programming with our beginners' courses in C++ and Java. As object oriented programming languages, Java and C++ are the most sought after programming languages today, and perfect to embark upon the jouney through the world of computer coding. Designed for beginners, our beginners' courses are both hands on courses where we focus on developing core programming concepts and equip you to code solutions for complex problems.
Batches for both courses start March 31.
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As we near the end of the even semester, we also near the most exciting and useful time period in the life of a student: the Summer vacations. We urge you to make full use of your free time these vacations and learn as much as you can.
To help you improve your coding skills, Coding Blocks will be running multiple batches this June-July in all our centres. For admission to the same, we are back with our renowned scholarship tests for you. There will be two schlarships as always: one for our beginners'batches and one for the development and advanced ones. Through these tests, students will be able to win scholarships amounting to up to a whopping 75% off the entire course fees.
The tests will be held on April 7-8, 2018.
The Coders' Admission and Scholarship Test (CAST) is the test for admission to our foundation courses on C++ and Java for beginners. The test will include questions on basic mathematics and test the students logical and analytical abilities. It will be an online test and will be held on Coding Blocks' e-learning portal.
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The Advanced Program Admission (and Scholarship) Test (APAT) is the test for admission to our advanced and development courses - Algo++, Algo.Java, Android App Development, Web Development and Machine Learning. The test will include questions on basic programming and will be held on our own portal - Hacker Blocks.
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Team Coding Blocks conducted a workhop on Introductory Android Development at Bhagwan Parshuram Institute of Technology on February 7. The workshop was conducted by Harshit Dwivedi. The attendees were taught to create basic Android Apps using sensors like accelerometer, and built a game using the proximity sensor.
Team Coding Blocks conducted an online coding competition for the students of Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology on February 8. The competition was attended by various CS/IT students of MAIT and comprised varying levels of problems for the students. It was conducted on Coding Blocks' own portal - Hacker Blocks
Coding Blocks is pleased to bring you the ultimate competitive programming study material package for all those who are willing to get their hands on our book, the ultimate guide to all things related to Competitive Coding. Along with the book, you'll also get three exclusive videos on the most important topics of CP: Dynamic Programming, Dynamic Programming with Bitmasks and Backtracking. Our material has been hand crafted to ensure your success in challenges such as Google CodeJam, Google Kickstart, ACM-ICPC, and more.
Though we suggest you join our Competitive Programming online or offline courses, we understand that it is not always possible to devote that amount of time at one stretch. This package will help you foray into the exciting world of competitive coding. You will master commonly used problem solving techniques, hone your mathematical analysis skills, and push the boundaries of your reasoning abilities. This package is for all the coders who look forward to optimizing their problem-solving process, and to learning new algorithmic skills which will help them solve problems quickly.
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