Aarush Juneja of ISM Dhanbad lands up Amazon internship, know about his experience.
We congratulate Aarush Juneja for getting selected in Amazon as a summer Intern. We thank him for sharing his interview experiences with this student community.
Coding round ( 90 minutes , hackerearth.com ) => 20 MCQs + 2 coding quests
MCQs => 1 set theory, 2 OS, 2 computer networks, 2 DBMS ( SQL queries ), 1 Computer organisation, 2-3 time complexity based ( 1 was master theorem based ), 1-2 bsts/binary trees, 1-2 graph theory, 1 probability, 1 maths ( some profit and loss type ). These were the main topics which I remember. Each MCQ was +1 and -0.25 type, all being single option correct. I attempted 10-12 MCQs; that too which I was sure of my answer being correct. Coding questions : 1 10 marks => Given an array. Find the number of triplets with sum less than a given number. 5 test cases Each test case of 2 marks. (n^2 and (n^2)logn both were passing)
2 15 marks => Given a string that contains only the following => ‘{‘, ‘}’, ‘(‘, ‘)’, ‘[’, ‘]’. At some places there is ‘X’ in place of any bracket. You are to tell whether by replacing all ‘X’s , is it possible to make a valid bracket sequence.
21 students out of around 250 shortlisted. Next day, there were two rounds of Personal Interviews. It was my life’s first interview.
1st round ( Introduce yourself + project discussion + 3 quests per person )
First => Introduction. Second => Project discussion for 15-20 minutes Third => 3 coding quests ( with working codes ) 1 Reverse a sentence word by word. E.g. => “This is cs50” will come “cs50 is This” . O(n) time and O(1) space was expected.
2 http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/stock-buy-sell/ 3 Given a binary tree, convert it inplace, such that each node’s value is now equal to the value of nodes in its subtree. ( Before giving me this question, the interviewer looked at his watch and said, I will give you only 2 minutes to think. as only 15 minutes are left for the first round to end. But as soon as I listened the question, the solution was obvious to me, after doing competitive programming from almost 1 year ).
2nd round
Interview lasted for around 2 hours. First => He introduced himself, told about what he works on at Amazon. Then he asked me to introduce myself. Second => Project discussion for 10 minutes. Third => A real life quest ( Design question basically ) Required me to write priority queue ( min heap ), hash table etc. without using inbuilt data structures ( basically no STL / collections were allowed ) inside a class with all details encapsulated inside the class. The code went pretty long but in the end, it was passing all the edge cases the interviewer provided. Then he asked me if I had any questions. I asked a few.
All the coding was on pen and paper. As far as the interviews were concerned, serious amount of competitive programming and command in problem solving, and fair amount of projects took me through. I hadn’t done much of geeksforgeeks. Even after my first round, I came to know from fellow batchmates that 2 of the quests I was asked were available on geeksforgeeks, but I wasn’t aware of that at the time I was in the interview room.