Concepts of Bitmasking Webinar on Youtube Live taken by Prateek Narang. Here are the codes and practice problems from the webinar.

Questions for Practice

(Hints discussed in video)

Unique Number-I .

Try now at HackerBlocks

Unique Number-II .

Try now at HackerBlocks

Unique Number-III .

Try now at HackerBlocks

Tavas and SaDDas.

Try now at CodeForces

Paying Up.

Try now at CodeChef

Codes from the Webinar:

Count Set Bits

Code to count no of set bits in a number.

// Time which is O(No of bits)
int countBits(int n){
    int count=0;
        count += (n&1);
        n = n>>1;
    return count;

Count Set Bits - Efficient ( n&(n-1) Hack )

Code to count no of set bits in a number in O(No of Set Bits).

int countBitsFast(int n){
    int count=0;
        n = n & (n-1);
    return count;

XOR Swapping

Swap two numbers using XOR

    a = a^b;
    b = a^b;
    a = a^b;

Get Bit, Set Bit and Clear Bit

Code to get ith Bit, Set ith Bit and Clear ith Bit efficently using masks.

int getIthBit(int n,int i){
    return (n & (1<<i))!=0?1:0;

//Change ith bit of no to 1
void setIthBit(int &n,int i){
    int mask = 1<<i;
    n = (n|mask);
//Clear the ith bit of no to 0
void clearBit(int &n,int i){
    int mask = ~(1<<i);
    n = n & mask;

Subset/Subsequece Generation using Bitmasking

Time Complexity is O(N*2^N)

    void filterChars(char *a,int no){
    /// a = "abc" no = 5 -- Output should ac.
    int i=0;
        no = no>>1;
void generateSubsets(char *a){
    //Generate a range of numbers from 0 to 2^n -1
    int n = strlen(a);
    int range = (1<<n) - 1;
    for(int i=0;i<=range;i++){

int main(){
    char a[] = "abc";

return 0;

Unique Number-II HackerBlocks Practice Problem

Given 2n + 2 numbers where every number is occuring twice except two unique numbers. We have to find the unique numbers efficiently.

void findUnique2(int *a,int n){
    int res=0;
    for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
        res = res^a[i];
    // find the rightmost set bit in res
    int i=0;
    int temp=res;
        temp = temp>>1;
    int mask = (1<<i);
    int firstNo = 0;
    for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
            firstNo = firstNo^a[i];
    int secondNo = res^firstNo;

int main(){
    int n,i;
    int a[] = {1,3,5,6,3,2,1,2};
    n = sizeof(a)/sizeof(int);
    return 0;

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